Bored? Give Pasco a Try for Something New To Do
If you looking for something to do, Pasco offers a list of stuff for everyone from toddlers to seniors.
- PRESCHOOL Programs -
TODDLER SHORT SPORTS: This partnership program with the YMCA is an exciting introduction to a variety of sports for your 2 ½ - 4 year old. During this class children will be introduced to soccer, t-ball, track & field, volleyball, basketball and more AGES: 21/2 -5; DAY/DATE/TIME: January 18-February 22; Thursdays, 10-10:45 am; LOCATION: City Hall Activity Center, 525 N. 3rd Ave, Pasco FEE: $26R/$32NR; PROGRAM: W201
TWINKLE STAR DANCE- MONDAYS: This combo dance class offers a fun filled adventure into the world of dance. Class teaches basic ballet and tap techniques while encouraging creative movement and expression. Participants may choose to continue for the full term of the class and perform in the June recital. Full term details are available at the dance studio. AGES: 3-6; DAY/DATE/TIME: January 29-March 5, No class February 19; Mondays, 6-6:45 pm; LOCATION: Dance Connection, 104 Vista Way, Kennewick; FEE: $46R/$58NR; PROGRAM: W437
TWINKLE STAR DANCE - TUESDAYS: This combo dance class offers a fun filled adventure into the world of dance. Class teaches basic ballet and tap techniques while encouraging creative movement and expression. Participants may choose to continue for the full term of the class and perform in the June recital. Full term details are available at the dance studio. AGES: 3-6; DAY/DATE/TIME: January 30 -February 27; Tuesdays, 5:45-6:30 pm; LOCATION: Dance Connection, 104 Vista Way, Kennewick; FEE: $46R/$58NR; PROGRAM: W439
- Youth Programs -
AFTER SCHOOL DROP-IN PROGRAM – SCHOOL YEAR: The City Hall Activity Center is open year-round for structured activities, including snacks, sports, arts & crafts, board games and more. Parents must pre-register their child at the Recreation office in City Hall or online. AGES/DAYS/TIMES: Age 7-12; M, T, TH, F: 3:45 – 5:30pm, W: 2:00 – 4:00pm; LOCATION: City Hall Activity Center, 525 N. Third Ave., Pasco, WA 99301; FEE:Free! PROGRAM #W400
BALLET/JAZZ/TAP SUPER COMBO: Three classes in one!! This class introduces children to the fun-filled world of dance through ballet, tap AND jazz dancing. Classes teach basic technique while encouraging creative movement and expression. Special shoes are not required, however used shoes are available for purchase at the studio for $10. This is an introductory class. Participants may choose to continue for the full term of the class and perform in the June recital. Full term details are available at the dance studio. AGES: 5-7; DAY/DATE/TIME:January 29 –March 5, No class February 19; Mondays, 6-7:15 pm; LOCATION: Dance Connection, 104 Vista Way, Kennewick; FEE: $46R/$58NR; PROGRAM: W438
BEGINNING TAP: Join us for this fun filled course and learn to make music with your feet! Special shoes are not required for this 5-week introductory session, however used shoes are available for purchase at the studio for $10. Participants may choose to continue for the full term of the class and perform in the June recital. Full term details are available at the dance studio. AGES: 7-12; DAY/DATE/TIME: January 29 - March 5, No class February 19; Mondays, 6:45-7:30 pm; LOCATION: Dance Connection, 104 Vista Way, Kennewick; FEE: $46R/$58NR; PROGRAM: W419
ELEMENTARY BALLET: Join us for this fun filled course and learn to make music with your feet! Special shoes are not required for this 5-week introductory session, however used shoes are available for purchase at the studio for $10. Participants may choose to continue for the full term of the class and perform in the June recital. Full term details are available at the dance studio. AGES: 7-12; DAY/DATE/TIME: January 30- February 27; Tuesdays, 5-5:45 pm; LOCATION: Dance Connection, 104 Vista Way, Kennewick; FEE: $46R/$58NR; PROGRAM: W420
- Teen Programs -
AFTER SCHOOL DROP-IN PROGRAM – SCHOOL YEAR: The City Hall Activity Center is open year-round for structured sports and activities. Parents must pre-register their teen at the Recreation office in City Hall or online. AGES/DAYS/TIMES: Age 13-18, M,T,TH,F: 5:30 – 7:00pm, W: 4:30-7:00pm; LOCATION: City Hall Activity Center, 525 N. Third Ave., Pasco, WA 99301; FEE: Free! PROGRAM #: W401
TEEN DANCE FUSION: No dance experience needed! Join us for this fun class that mixes all styles of dance from contemporary and jazz to ballet and lyrical. The perfect class for Tweens or Teens who like it all! Participants may choose to continue for the full term of the class and perform in the June recital. Full term details are available at the dance studio. AGES: 12-17; DAY/DATE/TIME: January 29 –March 5, No class February 19; Mondays, 7:45-8:45 pm; LOCATION: Dance Connection, 104 Vista Way, Kennewick; FEE: $46R/$58NR; PROGRAM: W422
- Adult Programs -
DROP-IN PICKLE BALL: A paddle sport created for all ages and skill levels. The rules are simple and the game is easy for beginners to learn, but can develop into a quick, fast-paced, competitive game for experienced players. Please wear non marking gym shoes. Paddles are available for those who do not have their own. AGES: 12+ (ages 12-15 must be accompanied by an adult); DAY/DATE/TIME: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday; January 2-April 30 (closed holidays); 11:30am-2:30pm; LOCATION: City Hall Gymnasium; FEE: $2 per person/per day;
ENHANCE FITNESS: An exercise program designed for mature individuals, focusing on stretching, flexibility, balance, low impact aerobics and strength training. This class is held on Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays at the City Hall Activity Center Gym. You may pay the drop-in rate or sign up for a month at a time! Call 509 545-3459 or stop by the Recreation Offices in Pasco City Hall. AGES: 40+; DAYS/DATES/TIME: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, January 3-31 (no class January 15), 10-11 am; LOCATION: Pasco City Hall Activity Center Gym; 525 N 3rd, Pasco; DROP-IN FEE: $4R/$5NR; PROGRAM #W339
DROP-IN VOLLEYBALL: A fun, informal way for adults to participate in the sport of volleyball. Players will be randomly placed on teams. Come out and make some friends as you exercise and have fun at the same time. No one under 18 years of age allowed on site. AGES: Adults; DAY/DATE/TIME: Thursdays, January 3-31, 7:00-9:30pm; LOCATION: Mcloughlin Middle School; FEE: $2 per person/per evening;
WAVEMAKERS AQUA FIT: This warm water exercise program offered by Oasis Physical Therapy is the class you’ve been looking for. If you suffer from arthritis, low back pain, muscle weakness or other aliments then why not try this warm water course! Various session days and times available! For more information or to register visit www.pascoparksandrec.com or call the Pasco 1st Avenue Center at 509 545-3459. AGES: 18+; DROP-IN FEE: $10
FOOT CARE FOR ADULTS: This program is designed to provide preventative maintenance and education to Franklin County and Burbank residents who are 60 years of age and older. Care is provided by a Registered Nurse. If an abnormality is detected, you will be referred to your physician or other social services organization. Call 509 545-3459 to see if you qualify for this program. AGES: 60 and older; DAY/DATE/TIME: Day/Date/Time Vary Call for appointment days and times; LOCATION: Pasco 1st Avenue Center; FEE: Free! (Donation accepted); NOTE: Funds for the Franklin County and Burbank Foot Care program are administered by Southeast Washington Aging and Long Term Care. Those that do not qualify for this program may choose to participate in our fee based program, call the Pasco Senior Center at 509 545-3459 for more info.
- Senior Services -
AARP SMART DRIVER: This course is the nation's first and largest refresher course for drivers age 50 and older. It has given millions of drivers the skills and tools they need to drive safely on today's roads, allowing them to remain independent for many years to come. And the best part… there are no tests to pass - just useful information to keep you safe on the roads,
How the AARP Smart Driver Course will help you:
- Update driving skills and your knowledge of the rules-and hazards- of the road.
- Learn about normal age-related changes and how to adjust your driving to compensate.
- Reduce your chances of receiving traffic violations, getting into an accident, or becoming injured.
- Get an insurance discount. Auto insurance companies in most states provide a multi-year discount to course graduates! Consult your insurance agent for discount information.
DAY/DATE/TIME: Tues & Wed, January 9 & 10, 9am-1pm; LOCATION: City Hall Classroom 2, 525 N. Third Ave., Pasco, WA 99301; FEE: $15 for AARP members (must show proof of membership),$20 for non-member (Class fee will be collected by the instructor on the first day of class. You must attend both days to receive your certificate of completion); PROGRAM: W324
MEALS ON WHEELS LUNCHES: Enjoy a delicious lunch. Reservations are required 24 hours in advance and may be made by calling 509-543-5706. DAYS/TIME: Monday – Friday, 11:45am – 12:45pm; LOCATION: 1stAvenue Center, 505 N. 1st Ave., Pasco, WA; FEE: $7.30 per meal for ages 18-59, $2.75 suggested donation for ages 60+ .
HAPPY FEET - Free Foot Care (Donations Accepted)!: If you reside in Franklin County or Burbank and are over the age of 60 you might qualify for free foot care. (This program is funded by SE Washington Aging and Longer Term Care and Participant Donations). If you do not qualify for the HAPPY FEET Free Foot Care Program not to worry, we also have a Foot Care for Adults Program (Ages 18+); Cost is $30. For information on either program please call (509) 545-3459 for more information.
Feel free to call Pasco at 509-545-3456 with any questions or visit their website to sign up for these programs!
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