Get A New Address Stick So You Can Be Found In Case Of Trouble
Are you missing your address stick? You know, the address stick in front of your house that has your address on it.
The Benton County Sheriff's Office is reminding people that having one will make it much easier to find your home in case of an emergency.
It's one of those things you don't think about but when I lived in Prosser, we had one right in front of the house.
Address sticks are helpful in case of emergencies when first respondents are looking for your house.
This is a way you can get a new address stick in Benton County.
If your address stick is missing or no longer readable, contact the Benton County Building Department and purchase a replacement.
Benton County Building Department
5600 W. Canal Dr. Ste C, Kennewick, WA 99336
Phone: 509-735-3500
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