Happy National Cinnamon Roll Day!
How sweet the sound of THIS national holiday! Happy National Cinnamon Roll Day! Where did these delicious beauties come from? Supposedly Sweden is where they originated and there are even rumors these sweet lil buns were imported from Egypt to China back in 2000 BC!
The first Cinnabon Shop was opened in Federal Way, Washington in 1985 and we've been enjoying them ever since! :)
October 4th, 1999 the Cinnamon Roll celebrated it's 40th birthday and every year since this day has been known as National Cinnamon Roll Day or "kanelbullens dag" Day!
Happy 59th Birthday my sweet! Looking really good :)
I want to know all about your love or dislike for Cinnamon Rolls so please take my quiz and if you are a baker I would LOVE to know YOUR go to cinnamon roll recipe!
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