Kennewick’s ‘Goggle Dog’ Safe After Traffic Accident
Kennewick's iconic pooch with googles was in a traffic accident Wednesday but luckily escaped unharmed.
You might have seen the white Lexus cruising around town with a golden retriever sporting goggles and he's become a Kennewick icon on the streets.
The license plate on the Lexus reads "GOGL DOG."
But a coffee delivery truck hit the pooch's car as it was traveling along 10th Avenue in Kennewick. The coffee delivery truck failed to stop at a stop sign and struck the Lexus.
The good news, driver and dog were fine, though the driver received minor injuries.
We are just glad "Goggle Dog" wasn't injured in the wreck.
You can check out a great photo of "Goggle Dog" and more details of the accident here.