Low Returns Mean No Salmon Fishing on The Columbia This Summer
Biologist are predicting a historically low salmon return this summer which means NO SALMON fishing this summer....
According to a press release from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
Columbia River Below are highlights of the major Columbia River salmon fisheries this year. More details will be in the 2019-20 Washington Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet, which will be available in June. Summer salmon fishery The summer season on the mainstem Columbia River will be closed to summer chinook (including jacks) and sockeye retention.
Fall fisheries During fall fisheries, anglers fishing from the same boat may continue fishing for salmon until all anglers have reached their daily limits in the areas listed below. The areas are closed to steelhead retention in August.
Bonneville Dam upstream to the Hwy. 395 Bridge at Pasco will be open Aug. 1 through Dec. 31 with a daily adult limit of two salmonids with no more than one chinook. Downstream of the Hood River Bridge, wild coho must be released. Steelhead daily limit is one hatchery fish when open as part of the adult limit, as described in the following section. Only one hatchery steelhead may be retained.
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