Master Chef Competitor Comes to Win Bite Club in Yakima
"Live everyday like it's a dream!"
Gotta love a go getter and local Chef Shawn Niles of Yakima is always moving and shaking! If you haven't heard, his next Bite Club (an underground eating competition) will be taking place on Thursday, May 26th 2022, there are still tickets available. The theme will be Game On, Celebrating Wild Foods from the Pacific Northwest!
Cate is the celebrity chef competing against our local chef's. She has never been to the PNW and will be hunting for white morel mushrooms this evening and is super pumped about it but that's not the only exciting thing taking place this evening. Cate will be competing on season 12 of Master Chef which premiers tonight on Fox, good luck lady! You can follow her at @Wildwoodschef. I asked what her favorite quotes were and she dropped these on us "Don't be afraid to fail." "Every day's a school day."
Shawn Niles aka Fat Pastor's favorite rules for flexing your cooking skills is, "look for your favorite chefs and try their recipes. Nothing new is born without innovation. Don't allow a crazy idea to stop you from trying it!" Ok, Shawn!
I asked what was something unexpected about being around Chef Gordan Ramsey? Cate said, "He is hilarious, cracking jokes right before the camera rolls." She said everyone had deep belly laughs. Shawn said, "the fact that he is a real person, who really cares deeply and has such a passion for people and food. He's solid."
Good luck to Cate and Shawn in all they do and thank you for stopping by the studio!
Bite Club & Shawn Niles
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