It's just like Harry Potter, Wahitis Elementary School in Othello are implementing a "House System" along the lines of the fictional houses at Hogwarts.

There is a method to the madness besides fun and games that should make it a new experience for students.

I'd still pick Gryffindor if I was in school.

Wahitis Elementary School in Othello released a press release talking about the new "House System".

It's a new community-building initiative designed to enhance the climate and culture of the school.

Here is what the press release described -

Beginning this year, Wahitis Elementary will implement a “House System” in which every student and staff member will create a strong community of learners. The process begins the very first day of school where students will be sorted into a “house.”  Students of all grade levels, as well as staff members will make up each house.


The names of the houses come from the idea of Wahitis GRIT: Game Changers, Risk Takers, Innovators, and Thrivers.


Throughout the year, students and staff will work together to build strong bonds and relationships to help them feel more connected to each other and to the school.  The goal is for students to feel safe about coming to school through becoming united as one.


Houses will meet throughout the year to participate in team-building and bonding activities, as well as House Challenges. During these activities, challenges, and throughout the school day, students and staff will earn points for their houses. Points are a result of students showing GRIT behavior through the Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) expectations, showing academic growth, and house challenges.


These friendly house challenges help students in each house to earn the “House Champion” title. Along with this title comes a special reward, including but not limited to field trips in and out of Othello.


Wahitis parents are encouraged to participate in the experience by asking their children about their “house,” showing pride in their house by wearing their colors, watching the Wahitis House Assemblies on YouTube throughout the year, and attending school events.

This reminds me of my school days when you were assigned a home room, it looks like Wahitis Elementary School in Othello is just taking it to the next level.

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