Richland School District in Desperate Need Of Bus Drivers
According to a recent post the Richland School district is desperately in need of School bus drivers here's the post:
The Richland School District is experiencing a severe shortage of bus drivers, making transporting students increasingly difficult. "Our office staff with CDL’s are all driving every day and would love to be in their office focusing on what their job descriptions are," Transportation Department managers said.
RSD bus drivers are currently looking for new drivers to join their team. “It’s a great way to earn some money and have some fun,” said driver Brian Conklin.
Conklin said there are numerous perks to getting behind the wheel of the big yellow bus. "You can't beat the schedule. I get my summers off, I get Christmas vacation off, so I can spend that time with my kids,” he explained.
RSD transportation staff said they would love to meet anyone interested in bus driving. The number to call is 967-6154.
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