With Tri-Cities growing like gang busters we need to build new schools, here's the latest school to be built in West Richland which is part of the Richland school district...I think it looks very modern...

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Elementary School #11 West Richland

 In March 2017, the Richland School District selected Design West, Kennewick, to be the architectural firm for the new elementary school in West Richland. The District’s 11th elementary school will be built near the intersection of Belmont Boulevard and the future Sunshine Avenue (see site plan below). The new school will be 65,000 square feet in size and house approximately 600 students. Listed below is the project timeline.
Educational specificationsMarch - August '17Done
Schematic designAugust - September '17Done
Design developmentSeptember - October '17Done
Construction documents preparedNovember '17 - January '18Done
Project goes to bidMarch '18
Construction beginsApril '18
School OpensAugust '19
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