More Ways To Keep Cool In The Hot Spokane Sun
No A/C? Samesies. So what can you do when you feel like a crayon melting into the furniture? Peel yourself off the couch (literally) and head to Spokane's public pools and splash pads.
Where Can I Find a Splash Pad?
Spokane has a surprisingly large number of Splash Pads. Who knew? Riverfront Park has two. Audubon park has one. And you'll find a long list of the rest here.
Where Can I Swim in a Pool?
Spokane has quite a few Aquatic Centers, which are free to the public during "open swim" hours. However, you will need a FREE Splash Pass to gain access. Register for a Splash Pass here. Look for an Aquatic Center near you here.
Is There a Map of Aquatic Centers I Can Look At?
Heck yeah, there is! Click the pin that's closest to your house.
One Thing to Remember
Splash Pads and Aquatic Centers are great ways to cool off, but they won't protect you from sunburn and skin cancer. So grab that tube of SPF 30+ before you leave the house. Learn more about the benefits of sunscreen here.
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