
If You Had to Pick a Cereal What Would It Be?
If You Had to Pick a Cereal What Would It Be?
If You Had to Pick a Cereal What Would It Be?
Do you douse your cereal in so much milk that you've got a ton to drink at the end? In our house, cereal is a breakfast, lunch, snack, or dinner type of meal, and thank goodness for those that created options because on a day when no one wants to cook or do the dishes cereal is music to my ears!
Froot Loop Candy Canes are Here Because ‘Why Not?’
Froot Loop Candy Canes are Here Because ‘Why Not?’
Froot Loop Candy Canes are Here Because ‘Why Not?’
It took one candy cane manufacturer to be sitting around the office after skipping breakfast to say to themselves, 'boy, I could sure go for a bowl of Froot Loops right now, but I'm too busy making all these candy canes. What ever could I do...