A brick, yes a brick is selling for hundreds on E-bay. It's crazy but a Supreme brick is the newest hottest accessory out of New York and men are snatching them up like crazy!
So that beard you sport around with pride is nothing more than a giant gathering place for germs and bacteria. Yes I said it Mo-Vember is over and it's time to shave. Even your perfectly trimmed mustache has to go here's why:
Popular culture has long suggested that men would rather be promiscuous than monogamous, celebrating caddish characters like the one Ted Danson played on 'Cheers' or the one Charlie Sheen portrayed on 'Two and A Half Men.' But this may not be completely fair.
Relationships can be challenging to say the least. Men and women are so different in many ways. I saw this on facebook and had to share it. I think it's very accurate! And often times, we women have to learn this lesson the hard way! Too funny!
It's no secret what women are insecure about. When it comes to MEN, we know that guys are pretty visual! We know our looks play a part on attracting and keeping the attention of our perspective partner.
Of course knowing they should see what a fabulous human being we are INSIDE!
But, guys apparently are insecure about a thing or two as well, according to Match.com.
Dating is tough, and interpersonal communication can be even tougher. But the electronic age has brought with a whole new layer of angst — it seems nothing is more perplexing to a man than talking to a woman via text message.
Women living longer than men is a fact that has always been a card females can play in any battle of the sexes.
But it looks like their long time longevity advantage may soon be a thing of the past.