Stop Paddle Emphasis Patrols Are in Effect This Week in KennewickStop Paddle Emphasis Patrols Are in Effect This Week in KennewickKennewick Police this week are cracking down on drivers that speed past school buses with their "stop paddles" out.Rik MikalsRik Mikals
Over 100 Tickets Handed Out By WSP On Clearwater and 395Over 100 Tickets Handed Out By WSP On Clearwater and 395120 Tickets where written for distracted driving while the remaining tickets where issued for seat belt violations.Rik MikalsRik Mikals
You and Your Pup Can Help The Kennewick Police DepartmentYou and Your Pup Can Help The Kennewick Police DepartmentThere is a new program starting up from the Kennewick Police Department that will let you and your pup patrol your neighborhood and the new program starts soon.Rik MikalsRik Mikals
Officer K-9 “Lemon” Hits the Streets of Pasco [PHOTO]Officer K-9 “Lemon” Hits the Streets of Pasco [PHOTO]I love our canine officers and it looks like K-9 Officer "Lemon" is returning to work in Pasco.Rik MikalsRik Mikals