Road Rage Incident Spills Over From Umatilla To Benton CountyRoad Rage Incident Spills Over From Umatilla To Benton CountyTwo vehicles involved, and a firearm.John McKayJohn McKay
Benton County Raid Nabs Suspects, Drug Items, 4 Stolen VehiclesBenton County Raid Nabs Suspects, Drug Items, 4 Stolen Vehicles The Benton County Sheriff's Pro Act Team gets two arrests. John McKayJohn McKay
Stolen Car Goes for a Long, Wild Ride West of ProsserStolen Car Goes for a Long, Wild Ride West of ProsserCar was finally extracted by several tow trucks and a lot of chainsJohn McKayJohn McKay
Who Pushed Stolen Car Off Jump Off Joe Hill Near Kennewick?Who Pushed Stolen Car Off Jump Off Joe Hill Near Kennewick?somebody pushed this car off Jump Off Joe, likely the backside. John McKayJohn McKay
Stolen Car Suspect Nailed After Trying to Flee Richland PoliceStolen Car Suspect Nailed After Trying to Flee Richland Policesuspect accused of stealing vehicle, leading police on a chase John McKayJohn McKay
Stolen Vehicle Suspect Dumps Guns in Kennewick RestroomStolen Vehicle Suspect Dumps Guns in Kennewick RestroomAround 4 AM suspect caught with car John McKayJohn McKay
Richland Suspect Rams Police Cruisers with Stolen CarRichland Suspect Rams Police Cruisers with Stolen CarThe suspect, once he escaped could not be pursued because even the modifed pursuit laws don't cover stolen vehicles. John McKayJohn McKay
Driver Borrows Car From Friend, Unaware It Was Stolen from PascoDriver Borrows Car From Friend, Unaware It Was Stolen from PascoThe female driver probably going to have some words for their 'friend' John McKayJohn McKay
Driver Who Hit and Killed Elderly Pedestrian in Pasco CapturedDriver Who Hit and Killed Elderly Pedestrian in Pasco CapturedDriver stuck and killed an elderly woman in Pasco John McKayJohn McKay
An Open Letter to Those That Want to Just Pray About ItAn Open Letter to Those That Want to Just Pray About ItStay blessed, not stressed and be the best and do the best you can each and everyday.Sarah JSarah J
Do You Know The Whereabouts of the Suspect Last Driving This Car?Do You Know The Whereabouts of the Suspect Last Driving This Car?Deputies found the empty vehicle Tuesday night in Kennewick.Patti BannerPatti Banner
Done With Stolen Rig? Thief Dumps It In Benton County CanalDone With Stolen Rig? Thief Dumps It In Benton County Canal The vehicle was recovered about 8-9 miles Northwest of where it was first stolen.John McKayJohn McKay