Are Tri-Cities Youth Sports Interfering With Family Time?
Between academics, sports, social time, clubs and all the many choices in school, has it all become too much and too overwhelming for kids these days? When is enough, enough!?
Some students start their day when the bell rings for "zero hour" at 6:50 a.m. they get to break for lunch for a short 30-35 minutes, then the final bell rings at 2:20 and that's just the beginning for most kids! Whether it's soccer, football, band or cheer it's all pretty much the same routine, Grab a snack (if you are so lucky) and run off to practice! Practice, practice, practice!!
The expectations of kids in sports these days seem to be overwhelming! They practice everyday after school, sometimes before school, on weekends and most of their summer breaks! Missing practice is unacceptable, no matter what the excuse! Your annual family camping trip can cost you playing in the next volleyball game or cheering at the next football game! Plus "Team Bonding" time with their team (as if they aren't together enough).
The expectations don't just stop at the student either! Being a parent of a child in sports can be time consuming and financially strapping. Between paying for uniforms, shoes, camps, travel etc... It gets really expensive. Parents are held by certain standards as being part of the team. They have to do their part by, attending fundraisers, donating time at the concession stands, helping with set up and take down of certain game venues, oh and don't forget who has to drive these kids everywhere!!
Some nights these student athletes do not arrive back from a game until as late as 11:00 p.m. and they still need to find rides home! Where does this leave time for homework or family time? Too often there was an empty place setting at the dinner table for my child due to sports. When is enough, enough? Are our standards for sports too high? America doesn't even rank in the top 10 for our academics. Maybe we need a refocus and maybe we need to start treating our academics at the same level we treat our sports in our high schools. What is your thoughts?
((drops the mic and walks off stage))