Vote for the Local Photographer in Weather Channel Contest!
Scott Butner is a retired scientist (was at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory). He took a beautiful photograph at Palouse Falls and entered it in a Weather Channel contest. He currently has the fifth-most votes with about 5,400 votes! Follow the link below to vote once every 24 hours (no voter registration required)!
Find Scott's photo by clicking "sort by" in the top right corner. Voting goes through July 14. Top 20 vote winners in each category go to a panel of judges and the judges will choose the winner.
I took it over Memorial Day weekend. I shoot landscapes all the time but almost never go out with friends, I usually shoot by myself. I ran into an old PNNL friend and he said, 'Let's go out and take pictures tonight.' We lucked out and there was someone down there with a bonfire. I backed up to not overpower with light. There were also people with flashlights. We were there at midnight and there were several photographers wandering around."
The photo was taken with a 30-second exposure to light up the stars. Any longer than that the stars would have appeared as streaks instead of dots, he said.