Some like a movie and some prefer the book. Some like to read and some like to watch. Some dislike the reading part so much that they won't watch a movie with subtitles. Have you ever seen Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon or Amelie? Both great ones to test where you are at.

There are major benefits to reading like keeping your brain healthy and inspiring your kids but if it seems like you're not sure where to start how about with a movie you love. It could swing the door right open to a brand new world of emotion and not just for the characters and their backstories. The Green Mile had me in tears both watching on screen as well as reading it. I thought the cast for the book A Time to Kill and Julie/Julia were spot on.

There are shows that I have discovered first like Outlander. I was wandering on Instagram when I watched a preview for A Discovery of Witches and am now on book three of the series and totally pumped to dive into the follow-up book.

Sometimes when you read the book first it spoils the onscreen performance because parts are left out and sometimes it make the book more fun to read again. If nothing else it's a great way to start the process of winding down or getting you out of your own head every once in a while.

If you're not into reading I suggest finding the book that's based on your favorite movie and reading it. I have found that after reading a book, sometimes the movie makes more sense. I'll rewatch the movie and wonder WHY did they do it like that? Or fall in love with a character even more.

On the other hand, I have read a book and then watched the movie and been really pissed off at what was left out.

Finding one series leads you to another and sometimes they are so good you find your self rereading them again and again. They fill you with a mood, transport you out of your head and without you even realizing, expand your vocabulary and imagination. I laugh sometimes when I watch a movie based on a book I love and my pronunciation of a characters name was way off.

Inspire yourself and the kids to pick up a book. Maybe start with your favorites based on what age they're at now. I LOVED. If You Give A Mouse A Cookie and The Real Story of the Big Bad Wolf. When I got a little older The Box Car Children Series and The Baby Sitters Club were amazing. My first job was a babysitter and you know I had my own kit!

I remember not being able to put down The Jaguar Princess, Where the Sidewalk Ends and I loved the choose your own adventure stories.The local libraries have always been digital so signing up today wouldn't hurt anyone, it's free and it's not just the books there are audio books and movies too.

Below is a list of some of my favorite books and movies to get you started and I would LOVE to hear your opinion on books vs movies.

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