Would-Be Shoplifter Trips Over Own Feet, Nabbed by Cops
Perhaps the drugs found on him after his arrest had something to do with it.
Kennewick police arrested a man wanted on several outstanding warrants, after he and another suspect attempted to shoplift from the Sportsman's Warehouse store on Canal Drive in Kennewick Tuesday.
23-year-old Joshua T. Mills was detained in the parking lot after a witness and store security saw him leaving in a car after stealing from the store. Police were able to stop the vehicle before they left the lot.
But during the pat down, while in handcuffs, Mills pushed away from the officer and tried to run away. However after a short distance, he tripped over his own feet, and face planted into the parking lot!
After being transported to TRIOS Southridge ER for treatment of facial lacerations and contusions he was booked in the Benton County jail on several outstanding warrants, and probable drug charges, as narcotics were found on him.
The evidence has been sent to the crime lab for more analysis. We're wondering if the drugs made him try to pull off this foolish stunt. It's usually not going to be successful to run way from a policeman while handcuffed.
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