25 Popular PNW Pacific Northwest Cuisines To Indulge During COVID
I moved to the P-N-W back in 2002 by way of Nashville, Tennessee, and there's not a day that goes by where I don't miss that great Southern cooking, but hey, when in Rome!
As a foodie, I have no choice but to let go and allow all of my tastebuds to embrace and indulge in the wild, nutty, and carefree cooking ways of the West Coast. Distinctive cuisines of the Pacific Northwest have truly become a delight to my Southern Belle foodie palette. I have learned to adapt quite nicely, thank you very much! Having lived here for nearly two decades, some Pacific Northwest dishes have become a part of my daily life! C'est la vie!
To break it down, notable cuisine 'round these parts basically include the following:
Fish + seafood, berries, onions, apples, pears, onions, asparagus, mushrooms, potatoes, Tillamook Cheese, treetop juice, wines, craft beer, Indian Fry Bread, Filipino food, Thai cuisine, Japanese food, a Chinese buffet, Indian food, BBQ, chili, loaves of bread, pepper jellies, and Cheese Zombies!
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