Don’t Hurt him, His Parents Must Be Proud…
Wherever this guy is, please don't hurt him. His parents must be ashamed, really.
What kind of person harms an elderly man? This guy has to be caught. Justice must be served.
I feel extremely bad for the 73-year old man who was the victim of 32-year-old Evan J. Keith.
The alleged attack took place Wednesday, in Moses Lake.
The victim is recovering from multiple serious injuries, including broken bones and head trauma.
After Keith allegedly beat up the man, he then took off in the man's vehicle.
Along with his victim's car, Keith stole money and guns from the man.
The vehicle has since been recovered, however, Keith remains on the run.
If you know the whereabouts of 32-year-old Evan J. Keith, do the right thing, and contact the Grant County Sheriff's Office at 509-762-1160.
This guy has to face the music and pay for his crime. It's NOT ok. If you have any information, please, call the police.

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