From an email sent to media and parents on Thursday, it appears the Kennewick School District is preparing for middle and HS students to return to full-time in-class education, as well as elementary.

The exact definition of what that means was not spelled out, but the KSD information indicated the following:

"Last week, the KSD Board of Directors unanimously authorized a return to full-time, in-person learning for all students. The implementation timeline was set for no earlier than mid-April, to allow for appropriate planning, communication and transition for staff and families."

Since that decision, a survey was sent out to union members in the Kennewick Education Association, one that was 'leaked' or shared with media and parents. In that survey, it appeared the KEA was asking member opinions on whether they support the existing six-foot distances, or the newly state adopted CDC 3 foot guidelines.

Since then, a 'new' survey has been sent to union members. The District is on Spring Break next week, April 5-9, and said this about the following week of school:

"Beginning April 12, expanded full-day hybrid schedules will be implemented at middle and high schools. Regular hybrid schedules will continue at elementary schools.

The exact mid-April date for beginning full-time, in-person learning for all students will be finalized and communicated to staff and families as soon as possible."

According to KSD, the District and the KEA are actively meeting to update the memorandum of understanding (MOU) for full-time, in-person learning. KSD did not elaborate on exactly what the MOU entails.

Many parents believe even in the short time left this year, it's important to get kids back in class full time. They believe it sets a precedent for the 2021-22 school year, having students established back in full-time in-person education.


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