Paddle Safe Week in WA Begins July 21st, What You Need to Know
Paddle Safe Week runs from July 21st through July 27th in Washington.

As popularity grows in paddlesports, especially kayaking and stand up paddling, the number of people actually taking formal training to further their skills is far less. Are you aware that kayaks, canoes, and paddleboards are vessels subject to federal, state, and local boating laws?
What is necessary onboard every paddlecraft? According to Washington State Parks:
• One properly fitted, serviceable, Coast Guard-approved life jacket
per person on board.
• A sounding device: horn, whistle or bell At least one navigation
light, such as a lantern or flashlight.
• On coastal waters, nighttime visual distress signal such as flares.
Where are your favorite spots to paddle board in Tri-Cities?
As you know, paddleboarding is an extremely popular recreational activity for many. The Columbia River provides many access points, including Howard Amon Park, Bateman Island, Two Rivers Park, and the Columbia Point Marina.
Always know your limits. Know the weather, know how to self rescue. Before you head out, let someone know your planned route, a description of your vessel, and what time you plan to return. Feel free to download a paddler's safety check list.
Label your paddlecraft with your identification.
If you own paddlecraft, keep your contact information in your boat, or on a sticker. When empty paddlecraft are found adrift, it’s assumed someone is in danger and a search is launched. Calling the owner of a kayak, stand-up paddleboard or canoe found adrift can help prevent unnecessary searches and free up resources.
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