Police Investigating Shooting Threat at Kamiakin High School
According to information released Friday morning by the Kennewick School District:
"This morning we are still confirming details of a shooting threat made to a student at Kamiakin High School via text message by a student at Pasco High School late yesterday afternoon.
The text message was reported by a concerned citizen to the Pasco School District. The Pasco Police Department and the Kennewick School District were immediately notified. The suspect was taken into custody within hours by the Pasco Police Department. Any other details about this incident will be communicated by the Pasco Police Department.
We want you to know that we take all threats to student and staff safety seriously and investigate each report thoroughly. We encourage students and community members to act as soon as possible by reporting threats or safety concerns to the police or school administration, even if we think it may be a joke or a hoax.
We know that this situation is especially concerning to our community considering the tragedy that happened in Florida this week. Our schools will continue to strive to maintain a safe learning environment for our students. We are grateful for our strong partnerships with local law enforcement agencies and neighboring school districts when these situations arise. "
---As the District said, Pasco police will be handling the followup. we will try to update as soon as possible.