Everyone's been there. You're dating a mess, only it takes you longer to see it than EVERYBODY else. Well, here are the most common red flags to watch for and don't be fooled by again:
Want to give a woman something for her birthday, anniversary, Valentine's Day, having a baby, death in the family, Christmas, Mother's Day or just to say, "I'm thinking of you?" Flowers, flowers, flowers. But what about for a man?
The two entries with the most votes take the prize, and that's Shelby Hughes and Mary Gamino! They each receive a $100 gift certificate to Fountain of Youth Spa in Kennewick for a couples treatment with their significant other!
A friend asked that I share her blog about a friend of hers who was recently murdered by her boyfriend.
Domestic Violence is very real and so tragic!
I thought it was worth sharing.
Some things in this world we will just never understand...
So, I'm considering "dating" again, and what occurs to me is I really sort of cringe at the thought.
I occasionally will meet up with someone in a public place but shy away from letting someone pick me up or take me anywhere too personal.
I had a big laugh this morning when I read a story in the Tri-City Herald about what's going on at the fair today. One of the events they mention is the musical act on the main stage and here's where I'll quote the paper, "Whitesnake, a vintage rock band"....."Vintage" REALLY!!
A survey was released this week stating emphatically that the No. 1 turnoff for women on vacation is seeing men in Speedos. Apparently only Michael Phelps can get away with it. Well, I have something to say to that: SHUT YOUR FACE!
A new study asked adults what causes them to gain weight. Predictably many said going on vacation usually resulted in weight gain, but the No. 1 reason was shocking, and a little disturbing.
According to a national survey, the average couple argues about something four times a week. Most are about stupid stuff like who will empty the dishwasher or whether to change cell phone providers.
Anyone who's ever been the victim of a pickup line can probably agree with this response: WOOF. While a lot of them can be pretty awful ("Do you have a bandaid? Cause I just scraped my knee falling for you."), all are straight up hilarious.