
Tech-Savvy 4-Year-Old Saves His Unconscious Grandpa with an iPhone [VIDEO]
Tech-Savvy 4-Year-Old Saves His Unconscious Grandpa with an iPhone [VIDEO]
Tech-Savvy 4-Year-Old Saves His Unconscious Grandpa with an iPhone [VIDEO]
Four-year-old Kanden Jones may not know the difference between taking a nap and blacking out, but he sure knows how to use an iPhone. It was a guys’ day for the kid and his grandfather Carl Jones when the two were out deer hunting in the woods. When the worst happened — thankfully not a hunting disaster — Kanden was left with an unconscious grandpa.
The New “Husband Motivator” App That Helps Wives Get Husbands to Do Chores
The New “Husband Motivator” App That Helps Wives Get Husbands to Do Chores
The New “Husband Motivator” App That Helps Wives Get Husbands to Do Chores
Ladies, do you want your husband to do more around the house? Now there's an app for that. The Husband Motivator uses artificial intelligence to figure out the best way to get a husband to do household chores. The app gives a wife a four-question quiz about her husband, and that's enough information to unlock the "hidden triggers that motivate him" Download The App
Cool Gadget Inspires Runners!
Cool Gadget Inspires Runners!
Cool Gadget Inspires Runners!
Well, I took a jog yesterday with my friend/co worker Dana,  and at the end of the run, she promtly looked at her Iphone and said “well, we ran 3.99 miles!”  I was intriqued at how she could possibly know that!