What Are Your Top Snow Plowing Complaints? We List Them!
Yesterday, our neighbor was out snow-plowing our street and my wife says that he was making the road worse. I disagreed with her. I thought it was a nice gesture and I'm not going to be the neighbor who goes and complains to the older gentlemen that I didn't appreciate his efforts. I'll leave that to my wife (which she'd never do).
Our friends at the City of Walla Walla have made a video citing all of the Top Snow Plowing complaints that they receive and they answer the questions in their video below - They list the reasons why they do what they do and answer all of your snow-plowing questions.
If you are curious when the streets will start getting plowed, the City of Walla Walla also has posted up a quick checklist of what you can expect from the city when it comes to snow plowing.
Below are some guidelines as posted by the City of Walla Walla:
Snow reaches about 2-3 inches deep and the forecast is for continued snowfall.
Moisture content of snow is a factor. "Dry," light snow is less of an issue than "wet," heavy snow.
The crew plows priority routes first to keep arterials and emergency service routes open.
Once the priority routes are cleared of snow the crews begin plowing residential streets.
Neighborhoods built on hills with curved streets are higher priorities.
The City of Walla Walla also talked about what proper de-icing of your sidewalks should consist of:
"Property owners should use a product that indicates it is environmentally friendly. If you decide to use de-icer material, please closely monitor the application and use the minimum amount. If you notice your sidewalks are “pitting,” you may need to adjust the amount of product applied or try a different formulation.
Using salt and de-icers on concrete sidewalks can negatively affect the condition of the sidewalks but other factors, such as the quality of the concrete, chemical formula of the de-icing compound, and freeze/thaw cycles may also contribute to the overall condition. Consider using a product containing calcium magnesium acetate, which is a small, pellet-like substance that offers low corrosion, is safe for concrete, vegetation, and the environment."
You can also check out more details on snow removal here