How to Get Verified on Facebook and InstagramHow to Get Verified on Facebook and InstagramWant a blue check mark? It's going to cost you. Lauryn SnappLauryn Snapp
Seattle Schools Sue Social Media Companies, Claim “Damage”Seattle Schools Sue Social Media Companies, Claim “Damage”the law firm SPS is using has often represented schools and other related entities against large corporations.John McKayJohn McKay
Business Owners? Say Goodbye to Facebook Car, Real Estate ListingsBusiness Owners? Say Goodbye to Facebook Car, Real Estate ListingsSome already saying it's a welcome change, no more 'ads' cluttering up the Marketplace, but others say it will hurt smaller businesses. John McKayJohn McKay
Yakima Valley Are You Interested in Learning Spanish for Free?Yakima Valley Are You Interested in Learning Spanish for Free?All ages can attend and the plan is to continue this service for the next few months so please help spread the word and lets up our language-game with the help of wonderful volunteers! Sarah JSarah J
Facebook Is Legal! Celebrate the Platform’s 18th Birthday With These Surprising FactsFacebook Is Legal! Celebrate the Platform’s 18th Birthday With These Surprising FactsFeeling old yet?Lauryn SnappLauryn Snapp
Don’t Screenshot Facebook Messenger Chats Unless You Want To Get CaughtDon’t Screenshot Facebook Messenger Chats Unless You Want To Get CaughtFacebook is upgrading its security game. Donny MeachamDonny Meacham
Facebook Is Changing Its Name to Meta and Social Media Users Are Already Roasting ItFacebook Is Changing Its Name to Meta and Social Media Users Are Already Roasting ItWelcome to the Metaverse.Jacklyn KrolJacklyn Krol
No Facebook or Instagram, 6 Activities to Occupy Your Time...No Facebook or Instagram, 6 Activities to Occupy Your Time...No Facebook or Instagram, 6 Activities to Occupy Your Time...Patti BannerPatti Banner
Yakima Facebook Marketplace Features Weirdest Stuff ImaginableYakima Facebook Marketplace Features Weirdest Stuff ImaginableSome things are just too weird to be sold on Facebook, don't you think?Reesha On The RadioReesha On The Radio
Beware of This Facebook Scam That’s CirculatingBeware of This Facebook Scam That’s CirculatingYou'll get a notice from what appears to be from Facebook but it's not from Facebook.Rik MikalsRik Mikals
Why Do People Want to Delete Facebook?Why Do People Want to Delete Facebook?Should Trump be allowed back on the platform?Jacklyn KrolJacklyn Krol
Here's How To Stop Facebook Voting Notifications [PHOTO]Here's How To Stop Facebook Voting Notifications [PHOTO]Open up your Facebook and use these easy 4 steps and you'll be able to get rid of those notifications.Rik MikalsRik Mikals