
Man, Woman Duke It Out at Apartment Complex in 3:30AM Bout
Man, Woman Duke It Out at Apartment Complex in 3:30AM Bout
Man, Woman Duke It Out at Apartment Complex in 3:30AM Bout
Police did not indicate the exact nature of the altercation, but said when they arrived at the scene a man and woman were "fighting." Based on information provided, blows were exchanged and punches thrown. The call came in around 3:30am Thursday at the apartment complex at 623 North Tweedt St...
Whoops! Fleeing Suspect Pulls Into POLICE STATION Parking Lot by Mistake
Whoops! Fleeing Suspect Pulls Into POLICE STATION Parking Lot by Mistake
Whoops! Fleeing Suspect Pulls Into POLICE STATION Parking Lot by Mistake
Where do we begin? First, if you're going to get into it with somebody, don't get in a fight in the parking lot of the COURT HOUSE.  Then when the suspect tried to flee, it got worse. Pasco Police assisted Franklin County Sheriff's Monday afternoon, rounding up the driver of the red car after he was allegedly involved in the fight...

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