WA State Reports More Than 1,000 New Covid-19 Cases
We've all heard from health officials, Dr. Fauci, in particular, that this winter will be especially dark, with a rise in Covid-19 cases.
Numbers don't lie. As of today, Washington state has reported 1,047 new cases.
We have to do better. We have to take Covid-19 seriously. We need to stop the spread. That means we ALL need to be responsible. I feel like this is a pep talk.
The Department of Health is encouraging all of us to mask up. When visiting businesses, it's pretty much mandatory to wear a mask. I find it annoying when I see customers who aren't masking up. I keep a supply of disposable masks in my car's glove compartment. I keep hand sanitizer in the vehicle, as well.
“We are also concerned about the risk of overwhelming our hospital systems when we see cases spike like this,” says Dr. Kathy Lofy, State Health Officer. “Our hospitals do not have unlimited capacity.”
Going into the weekend, DOH would like to underscore the importance of:
- Wearing a mask, even with people you see regularly and in your smallest social circles and anytime you are using shared transportation, including while in your own vehicle with other people.
- Keeping gatherings small and hold them outside whenever possible.
- Avoiding any social gatherings indoors, but if you must participate, wearing a mask and ensuring windows and doors are open to maximize ventilation.
- Washing or sanitizing hands often and not touching your face.
- Staying home if you’re sick or if you’ve been exposed to COVID-19.
If you have any questions regarding attending an event, be safe. Avoid gatherings and find an alternative way to celebrate. Maybe you can connect via Zoom or by using social media to stay connected.
You can check out the latest WA state Covid-19 information here.

Find out how to make a face mask, no sewing required, below.
How to Make a No-Sew Face Mask From Leggings
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