
Can You Keep That New Year’s Resolution? Yes–Here’s How
Can You Keep That New Year’s Resolution? Yes–Here’s How
Can You Keep That New Year’s Resolution? Yes–Here’s How
The very word 'resolution' brings a sneer from some, fear from others. Or we just plain run out of steam. But it's really simple to keep them. The main reasons they fail are because we don't follow these easy steps.  For example, if you want to 'lose weight' or get in better shape in 2019, you need to narrow it down:  specify your goal ... Read More ...
How to Heal Back Pain at Home
How to Heal Back Pain at Home
How to Heal Back Pain at Home
One in five Americans report they’ve had back pain at least once in the last month. You don't necessarily need to go to the doctor if your back pain isn’t accompanied by other known stressors. In fact, according to WebMD, most back pain goes away within 4-6 weeks with or without medical intervention.
Watch This 54 Year Old Smash The Pull Up World Record
Watch This 54 Year Old Smash The Pull Up World Record
Watch This 54 Year Old Smash The Pull Up World Record
First of all I'll start this post off by stating I've never done a pull up in my entire life. There no big deal, except my husband bought a pull up bar for our home gym. At first I thought he was doing it just to complete the gym itself, then I realized there was a challenge put out by all of the male family members

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